What ingredients do you use?
Zorganique is very proud to use the best available organic and natural elements to carefully curate products. All of our ingredients are free from parabens, sulphates, silicons, and phosphate. Our products have not been tested on animals and contain no artificial ingredients.
Can I add two fragrances to one product?
Technically, yes. Realistically, no. You must keep in mind that fragrances are derived from oils. Although we only use premium organic extracts from nature, the composition of additives changes the structure of the products. The combinations we currently have are tested and found to be safe for use topically. Adding more than one fragrance to the product is unsafe as there are many unknowns. Also, each fragrance has certain qualities to it. Two fragrances will be competing with each other and may not result in the output you were hoping for.
Why choose Aluminium for the products?
Paper and some plastic products are indeed cheaper and lighter in weight - that certainly helps with shipping costs sometimes. But we went with Aluminium for simple reasons;
- You can recycle Aluminium infinitely. So much so that our bottles and canisters are made from at least 70% recycled Aluminium.
- With the amount of existing plastic waste already piling up, we just wanted something that could be used over and over again.
- Aluminium bottles and canisters are much lighter than glass. This makes it safe in the shower. Who here has never dropped anything in the shower? :)
What do you use for packaging?
We take our packaging seriously. With the amount of plastic and non-biodegradable waste floating around, we are sure to expedite a crisis. We went with Aluminium for our products with recyclable plastic nozzles.
You'll find your delivery in simple cardboard with natural fibres to secure the packaging. Any stickers we use are compostable as well but will need to go into a landfill to allow the glue to disintegrate. We are working with some fantastic innovators to see how our entire packaging can become naturally bio-degradable. Unfortunately, the costs associated with it currently are too steep to transfer to anyone purchasing our products but wouldn't that be nice?